The Body Reflex Fitness & Wellness
Changing Lives Through Movement!

T.P.I Golf Fitness

At The Body Reflex, we teach our golfers the Body/Swing Connection and strategies to elevate your game and prevent injury.

Are you limited in your hip rotation and your ability to separate your upper and lower body during your swing?

With a series of movements to stabilize and mobilize your body simultaneously, you will gain mobility in your hips and thoracic spine while strengthening your glutes and hamstrings, to create stability and a smooth turn around the axis.

Do you have a poor swing plane bringing you club out of position, causing a loss of power in your swing and inconsistent ball striking?

The shoulders play an important role in maintaining the position of your swing. A golf fitness screening will identify your shoulder mobility and strength limitations. You will then work through a series of movement to open and stabilize your shoulder joints to help prevent injury and improve your swing.

What is a TPI Golf Screen?

THE TPI PERFORMANCE MOVEMENT SCREEN is a group of 16 tests that give valuable insight into each individual golfer’s biomechanics. These tests will reveal where an individual has a “mobility” dysfunction or where they may have a “stability” dysfunction. After your golf screen session, you'll get a detailed written report containing scores for each test along with explanations.

Do you suffer from back pain after a day on the course?

Many times the cause of back pain is lack of mobility in the thoracic spine and proper rotation around your spine angle. Without adequate thoracic mobility your body will find any way to follow through such as lifting and losing posture, in turn compressing into the low back. Our program combines a series of movements to gain flexibility and teach muscles to release into movement, relieving post game back pain.

I’m so excited about the changes to my strength, flexibility, and golf game that Maria has have helped me achieve. The Body Reflex is the bomb!!!
— Carl B, Golf Fitness Client